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名称未設定のアートワーク 40.jpg

はまぎし かなえ

Hamagishi Kanae

イラストレーター 絵本作家

1992年 福井県生まれ 京都在住

京都市立芸術大学大学院  ビジュアルデザイン専攻 修了




2013 第2回 東京装画賞 2013 学生部門 入選

         富山デザインフェア 2013「パッケージデザインコンペティション」北日本放送株式会社

2015 第37回 講談社絵本新人賞 佳作

2016 第38回 講談社絵本新人賞 新人賞

2023 ペーターズギャラリーコンペ2023 佐藤直樹賞 次点


2014 個展「いきもののすがた」(gallery shop collage)

2021 アシタノホラー展3(ASITA_ROOM

2022 怪のモノリス展(モノガタリモノリス)

         祝祭の呪物展(ASITA_ROOM / BnA_WALL)

         アシタノホラー展4(ASITA_ROOM / BnA_WALL)

   個展「そこにいるおばけ」(TOKYO PiXEL. shop & gallery)

2023 祝祭の呪物展2(ASITA_ROOM / 澁谷藝術)


   個展「ひろがるおばけ」(TOKYO PiXEL. shop & gallery)

​   アシタノホラー展 OBAKE Special(ASITA_ROOM

Hamagishi Kanae

illustrator, picture book writer

Born in Fukui Prefecture in 1992, lives in Kyoto

Completed master's course at Kyoto City University of Arts 

After working as a CG designer at a game company, he has been working as a freelancer since 2023.

I draw illustrations that are cute but somewhat lonely, such as ghosts in everyday life.​


《Award History》

2013  Selected for the 2nd Tokyo Design Award 2013 Student Category          

          Toyama Design Fair 2013 "Package Design Competition" Kitanihon Broadcasting Co., Ltd.

2015  37th Kodansha Picture Book Rookie Award Honorable Mention

2016  38th Kodansha Picture Book Newcomer Award Newcomer Award ​ ​

2023  Peters Gallery Competition 2023 Naoki Sato Prize Runner-up



2014  Solo exhibition "The shape of life" (gallery shop collage)

2021  Ashitano Horror Exhibition 3 (ASITA_ROOM)

2022  Mysterious Monolith Exhibition (Monogatari Monolith)    

          Festival fetish exhibition (ASITA_ROOM / BnA_WALL)                           

          Ashitano Horror Exhibition 4 (ASITA_ROOM / BnA_WALL)

    Solo exhibition "The ghost is there" (TOKYO PiXEL. shop & gallery)

2023  Festival Fetish Exhibition 2 (ASITA_ROOM / Shibuya Arts)

          Ashitano ZINE Market vol.2 (ASITA_ROOM)

          Solo exhibition “Hirogaru Ghost” (TOKYO PiXEL. shop & gallery)

​          Ashitano Horror Exhibition OBAKE Special (ASITA_ROOM)

​©︎ 2022 Hamagishi Kanae 

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